For Those Interested in Franchise:
Thank you for your interest in 2050 COFFEE. We are looking for partners in Japan and around the globe who share our vision of building the future of coffee together. We’re not just about brand flair—we’re driven by a passion to transform the coffee industry for the better, working hand in hand with our producer partners worldwide.
In order to create meaningful impact, we aim for scale—opening stores wherever there is a shared commitment to elevating coffee. Our franchise model is a simple royalty program, and we ask partners to purchase our coffees directly from our trusted producers so we can collectively give back and build a more sustainable industry.
If you believe in this vision and want to join us in shaping the future of coffee, please reach out via the contact information provided.
2050 COFFEEにご興味をお持ちいただき、ありがとうございます。私たちは日本を含む世界各地で、コーヒーの未来を共につくるというビジョンに共感いただけるパートナーを探しています。派手さだけではなく、生産者の方々と協力しながらコーヒー産業を本質的に変えていく情熱を共有できる方を歓迎します。